Dr. Kalliwoda Research offers interesting practical training for economic students. Based on our practical course program you have the chance to learn about our activities theoretically as well as practically and you support our analysts with the production of their research. You get an inside view of the enterprise analysis and evaluation approach. You prepare and participate in interviews with clients. You maintain Excel spreadsheets which serve as a data base for company estimations. You participate in the development of our analysis models/tools. You should join us if you have a pre-diploma, are committed to your work have a strong interest in enterprise analysis and financial markets.
More info:
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany
"Ich fand es spannend einen Einblick in die Funktionsweise eines Discounted Cashflow Models (DCF) zu erhalten. Ein besonderes Highlight war für mich die Möglichkeit, an einem MidCap-Event teilzunehmen und dort One-on-One Gespräche mit CEOs und CFOs von internationalen Unternehmen führen zu dürfen. Ich fand es faszinierend, das erste Mal richtig mit internationalen Unternehmenslenkern zu sprechen und ihnen Fragen stellen zu können [...] "
Find the full reference here.
"Was ich während meines Praktikums als besonders bereichernd empfand, war die Implementierung umfassender Bewertungsmethoden für Small-Cap- und S-Dax-Unternehmen und die Möglichkeit, Gespräche mit CEOs und CFOs zu führen. [...] "
Find the full reference here.
"Mein Praktikum bei der Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH war eine beeindruckende und lehrreiche Erfahrung, die meine berufliche Entwicklung nachhaltig geprägt hat. [...] "
Find the full reference here.
"I learned constantly about financial markets including equity research, bond research and sustainability analysis. During initial weeks, I was involved in equity research for companies comprising company’s valuation using DCF model, SWOT analysis, ratio analysis, market and company research. In the following weeks, I got the chance to work on sustainability [...] "
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"Ich persönlich hatte vorher noch nie ein DCF Modell erstellt und hatte daher meine Bedenken. Doch ich wurde relativ schnell vom Gegenteil überzeugt. Noch im Dezember nahm sich Herr Doktor Kalliwoda die Zeit mir ausführlich anhand eines Beispiels die Funktionsweise eines solchen Modells zu erklären [...] "
Find the full reference here.
" Viel gelernt habe ich auch bei der Mithilfe bei der Koordination und Organisation von Corona-bedingt digitalen Dr. Kalliwoda Capital Markets Konferenzen. [...] ."
Find the full reference here.
"Herr Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda nahm sich stets Zeit, um uns Praktikanten die gängigen Bewertungsmethoden im Rahmen einer Research Analyse zu erklären, sodass auch ich als „Neuling“ komplexe Zusammenhänge der Aktienanalyse nachvollziehen konnte [...] ."
Find the full reference here.
Analysts for German speaking markets and Western Europe
Dr. Kalliwoda Research provides high-quality primary research in the European and German market segments and in different industries. For the extension of our team we are looking for:
- experienced analysts
- a qualified college graduate or specialist from a different field (computer scientist, economist, biochemist, engineer (mechanical or electrical engineering)
The main task at Dr. Kalliwoda Research is the analysis of German and European stock markets. Basis for this are interviews, followed by ongoing servicing the enterprises. Beyond that you participate in company meetings, press conferences and specialized conferences (Biotech, IT/Software, Industrials, Financial Services etc.), represent our enterprise at our clients and fulfil representative tasks in the media for our house.
You have a university degree education or a comparable professional education and you are able to analyze business models and enterprise developments and results critically. You are a trained analyst (DVFA, CEFA, CFA or comparable). Beyond that you have a good understanding of and a strong interest in equities and financial markets. Specific specialized knowledge of industries is desirable. Very good English knowledge and convincing communication skills are of great advantage. You work independently and team-orientated
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany
Analysts for Polish speaking markets and Eastern Europe
Dr.Kalliwoda Research explains and comments capital markets developments. Primarely it is the forcast of equity prices and bond prices and company valuations. Macroeconomics and monetary developments and trends are presented to institutional investors. Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH executes sell-side roadshows in Germany and abroad. We are looking for specialists who prepare roadshows and participates in roadshows. Also attending analyst meetings and Capital Markets Days is desired.
Description: Several key areas of work are possible for students/business administration graduates (m/f):
- Equity research: fundamental analysis, discounted cash flow analysis, sum-of-the-parts valuation, peer group analysis; product research; primary analysis and survey of specialist institutions; M&A services.
- Preparation of company, turnover and earnings estimates reports for institutional investors and for Bloomberg/Thomson Reuters etc.
- Buyside research for equity and bond funds; risk analysis, benchmark measurement, database optimisation for equity markets/sectors according to specific valuation filters/multiples, database maintenance and market research/competition analysis and technology research.
- Participation in issuer sell-side roadshows at home and abroad. Participation in analyst conferences and capital market days. Preparation of own Dr. Kalliwoda Capital Market Days/Conferences in Western and Central Europe, especially in Warsaw.
- Preparation of lectures on general stock analysis; preparation of presentations for customer acquisition as well as preparation/planning of investment fund roadshows in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and, if necessary, also in Benelux/France/Denmark.
The main task at Dr. Kalliwoda Research is the analysis of German and European stock markets. Basis for this are interviews, followed by ongoing servicing the enterprises. Beyond that you participate in company meetings, press conferences and specialized conferences (Biotech, IT/Software, Industrials, Financial Services etc.), represent our enterprise at our clients and fulfil representative tasks in the media for our house. More info:
You have a university degree education or a comparable professional education and you are able to analyze business models and enterprise developments and results critically. You are a trained analyst (DVFA, CEFA, CFA or comparable). Beyond that you have a good understanding of and a strong interest in equities and financial markets. Specific specialized knowledge of industries is desirable. Very good English knowledge and convincing communication skills are of great advantage. You work independently and team-orientated
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany
Sales and Bond commentaries and roadshow acquisition
Dr.Kalliwoda Research explains and comments capital markets developments. Primarely it is the forcast of equity prices and bond prices and company valuations. Macroeconomics and monetary developments and trends are presented to institutional investors. Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH executes sell-side roadshows in Germany and abroad. We are looking for specialists who prepare roadshows and participates in roadshows. Also attending analyst meetings and Capital Markets Days is desired.
You have very good communication skills and very good english-speaking knowledge and/or french/spanish language skills are advantageous. Ideally you have at least 2 years experience in these work areas. ou should join us if you have at least 3 years of professional experience as a chartered accountant or capital market advisor with placement experiences. Communicative abilities with the presentation and negotiation of transactions are important. You act successful and conclusion-oriented.
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany
Capital Markets Consulting
Dr. Kalliwoda Investor Relations Services advises companies independent of banks. We consult regarding market segment selection, providing financing strategies and we proof financial plannings. Furthermore we create information memoranda and synopses. We also advise on change of strategies and corporate transactions, such as M&A transactions and spin offs. We are looking for our team of capital market advisors who have already gained in auditing companies firms or banking experience. You advise clients on capital market transactions. Also we are looking for qualified young professionalswho are quickly integrated into our projects.
You should join us if you have at least 3 years experience as an accountant or financial adviser. Communication skills are important for moderating and presenting our results. You are acting performance-oriented.
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany
Investor Relations Consulting
Dr. Kalliwoda Investor Relations Services advises companies on their investor relations strategy and this is independent of banks. We optimize your communication tools such as websites and all written business presentations. We can arrange for press contacts and arrange your media schedule.
We are looking for Investor Relations Consultants, who have already gained experience in IR agencies. They advise clients on their investor relations strategies. Also we are looking for qualified young professionals who are quickly integrated into our projects.
You should join us if you have at least 3 years experience as an accountant or financial adviser. Communication skills are important for moderating and presenting our results. You are acting performance-oriented.
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany
Back Office/Secretary
You should join us if you have experience as Secretary / back office colleague. The maintenance of our databases and arranging roadshows are part of your work areas. You have good MS Office abilities and good communication skills. Applications also by job beginners are welcome. Possible is also an education as research analyst in our research house.
Please send your profile to:
Dr. Kalliwoda Research GmbH
CEO Dr. Norbert Kalliwoda
Office Frankfurt/Main: Arndtstraße 47, D-60325 Frankfurt
Or: Steinstraße 24, 64839 Münster (at Darmstadt, Hessen), Germany